Boost Online Donations


JustGiving is an incredible tool for online fundraising. It is designed to be user-friendly with easy ways to boost your donations in no time at all!


Add your own profile photo - something fun that represents you. On average fundraisers who have profile pictures raise 15% more!
How to change your profile picture:
1. Log into your fundraising page.
2. Click 'Edit your page' in the top left. 
3. Scroll down to 'Edit and personalise your page'.
Set a fundraising target. You will already have a target set for £100 - but why stop there? With all these fundraising resources available to you, there's no excuse.

Personalise your title, summary and story and involve your donor’s in your fundraising journey. Create a compelling reason why you are taking part in the triathlons and raising money for Restless Development by editing the title, summary and story. We've written one for you:
This year I am taking on a really exciting challenge with my school friends, and thousands of others across the country. By swimming, cycling and running with my team and raising money for Restless Development and my school's chosen charity, together we are making a huge impact on the world.
How to change the title, summary and story:
  • Click on ‘Edit your page title, summary and story’ and enter the desired text in each of the relevant sections. Click ‘Save and continue' to preview how it looks. 

Sharing your JustGiving account via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger, Email and more boosts online donations.

We've put together some statistics from last year's Schools Triathlon JustGiving pages just to prove what a difference it makes!
  • Pages that are shared have a 95% activation rate
  • For the top 5% of pages, on average they were shared 6 times
  • AND for the top 1%, on average they were shared 12 times


It even matters who shares your page...
Fundraiser and Supporter
25% of pages were shared
They had a 93% activation rate
Raising on average £194
 55% of pages were shared
by someone else
They had a 97% activation rate
Raising on average £391
164 pages were shared by both
They had a 99% activation rate
Raising on average £322



From fundraising activities to training hard, make sure you post updates and take lots of photographs to post on your JustGiving page. Sponsors will see all the effort you are putting into the Triathlons. Keeping them engaged means they are more likely to repeat their donations. 
Did you know: Regular updates keep your page looking fresh and give you plenty of opportunities to share it. We've found that you could raise an average of 6% more for every update you make!
How to add an update:
1.Log into your JustGiving account and visit your fundraising page
2. Scroll down to the updates section and type your update in the text box
3. Add a photo (if relevant) and if you'd like to share your update to Facebook, tick the 'Share this to Facebook' button
4. Hit 'Post' - this sends your update in an email to all your supporters who have opted in to hear from you
Did you know: JustGiving pages on average raise 14% more when adding photos compared to those who don't add photos. 
How to add a photo:
  • Click ‘Add Photos’ in the edit area and then ‘Select photo’. Choose the photo from your device and add a caption (up to 40 characters). Press ‘Upload photo’ to finish.
Please note: If you have any problems, you’ll probably need to resize your image. The file size should be no larger than 4MB and the pixel size shouldn't be bigger than 800 x 600.

